Meet the Brewers is an ongoing series to highlight the individuals who make the beer at our Wilmington breweries. Check back every week to see the latest interview. All photographs provided by Brian Lantz Photography .  Check out his instagram at  @brianleelantz

Sean McConaghy is the head brewer at Broomtail Craft Brewery. Originally from Chicago, Illinois, his favorite beer to make is currently Gose. Recently I asked McConaghy some questions about his experience in the brewing industry.

What first got you into brewing?

A friend I was stationed with in the service had invited me over for an evening of drinking that eventually turned into brewing a homebrew batch in his garage at 2 am, and from there I was hooked.

What was the first beer you made? 

Amber Ale


Photo provided by Brian Lantz IG:@brianleelantz

What made you want to start brewing on a larger scale?

I really fell in love with the process and just wanted to go big or go home as they say.

Is there anything you do differently in your brewing process that other places do not do?

I certainly cannot attest to what anyone else does or does not do, but what I can say is Broomtail is the only place I have worked, where we focus on building a water profile to meet a beer’s specific geographic location. We have very analytical methods for the quality of our clean beers as well as our locally harvested wild yeasts and spontaneously fermented products

What is one thing you want your consumer to take away after trying your beer?

First and foremost that its Delicious! Our “Clean beers” are true to style, with no off flavors. For our “wild side”, that once again, it’s delicious, but truly unique, and complex that leaves you wanting another.




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